FliplearnCon 2016 – What to Expect

Fliplearn Con 2016 is fast approaching, very sure we are all getting set for this remarkable event.

Just a quick look at the profiles of some of our guest speakers, we have an idea of what to expect from this conference.


Prof Pai Obanya

Pai Obanya, (International Educational Strategist) is Emeritus Professor in the institute of Education, University of Ibadan-Nigeria. He is the immediate past Chairman of Council of the West African Examinations Council (WAEC). He sits on the Committee of Experts of Education International (EI) and has in the recent past served as Technical Adviser to the Reform Implementation Committee of the Federal Ministry of Education in Nigeria, following his earlier work (January-May 2011) as Chairman of the Presidential Task Team on Education.

Born some 77 years ago, Pai Obanya was educated at the University of Ibadan-Nigeria, where he obtained the B.Ed. (Bachelor of Education) degree in Education/French with first class honours, plus a distinction in practice teaching in June 1968. He followed up with a PhD in language education of the same University in June 1973. He also holds the Diplôme Supérieur d’Etudes Françaises of the University of Abidjan (Cote d’Ivoire): 1967.

Appointed to the academic staff of his alma mater in the Institute of Education as Research Fellow in August 1971, he rose rapidly through the ranks to the grade of full Professor by October 1979. He was Director of the Institute of Education of that same University from 1980 to 1983, and (while on sabbatical leave from Ibadan in 1984-1985),

served as Foundation Dean of Education in Lagos State University (LASU). Between 1976 and 1986, Prof. Obanya produced 10 PhDs, seven of whom became full professors of Education in record time.

At the international level, Prof. Obanya was for a decade (1976-1986) Secretary of the African Curriculum Organisation (ACO) during which period he coordinated capacity building initiatives for national curriculum development centres in 22 African countries. He was Programme Coordinator for Education with the World Confederation of Organisations of the Teaching Profession (WCOTP), based in Morges-Switzerland from 1986 to 1988. He joined the services of UNESCO in August 1988 and served as Deputy Director (1988-91) and- later – Director (1991-1999) of the Regional Office for Education in Africa (UNESCO/BREDA) with headquarters in Dakar-Senegal. He retired from UNESCO in December 1999 with the grade of Assistant Director-General (ADG) ‘for services rendered to the Organisation’.

He is the Designer of Nigerias Universal Basic Education (UBE) programme and spent the period January 2000 to May 2001 setting up the structures for its effective take-off. Prof. Obanya has been spending his years of ‘very active retirement’ (since he says, ‘you do not retire from Education’) mentoring young academics, in addition to rendering

advisory, consultancy, research and training services to international development cooperation agencies, pan-African institutions, national governments, non-governmental organisations, tertiary institutions, and the private sector. It is in this capacity that he played the lead role in the development of education sector strategic plans for thirty of the thirty-six states of the Nigerian federation. This lead role function has also been extended to the following projects (among numerous others)

  • The development of NEPAD’s Education Strategy Document
  • Ground work for the decade of education in Africa (2006-2015) programme of the Africa Union (AU)
  • Capacity building for national curriculum reform in post-conflict Liberia
  • Capacity building for teacher continuing education in post-war Iraq.
  • Resource Person on Strategic Planning in the leadership and management development programmes of the Association of African Universities (AAU)
  • Development of ROAD MAP 2016-2020 for Nigeria’s UBE
  • Development of a legislative agenda on tertiary education for the Nigerian Senate
  • Development of a Strategic Plan for the transformation of ABM University College in Botswana into a full-fledged University

A die-hard academic, known as the Grand Sage of Education in Africa, Pai Obanya has authored some 280 publications on different aspects of Education. He is a well-sought-after keynote speaker on Education world-wide. His contributions to educational development have earned him a good number of honours, accolades and awards:

  • The most widely published author on Education in Africa
  • Fellow of the Nigerian Association of Teachers of Technology
  • Fellow of Curriculum Organisation of Nigeria
  • Fellow of the Nigerian Academy of Education
  • Fellow of the Nigerian Institute of Management
  • Most outstanding mentor of educational researchers in Africa:
  • Commandeur de l’Ordre National du Lion of the Republic of Senegal, etc.

He is very happily married; blessed with well-established children and up-and- coming grand children


Abiola Lamikanra

Abiola Lamikanra has acquired about 40 years of School Management and Parent liaison experience. This came from her work in the three levels of Nigerian education – primary, secondary and tertiary.

After 19 years of running a family owned school she has for the last 9 years been involved at management level in the international secondary schools’ sector in Nigeria working in Alex Duduyemi Memorial College Ile-Ife, Day Waterman College Abeokuta and currently in City of Knowledge Academy Ijebu-Ode. Educational qualifications: M. Ed Guidance and Counseling/PGDE; M. Sc. Applied Entomology Abiola has experience in CIS accreditation processes, Sustainable International Governance (ECIS) and Technology in Education (PTI)

An ordained minister she has spent considerable time mentoring young persons.

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