21st Century Teacher

The old system classroom – chalk and talk – no longer meets the learning needs of 21st century learners who are referred to as “digital natives”. The system was more of direct instructions, which lacked interaction, active participation and learner engagement. In most instances, students rely on rote memorization as a way of learning. But research has shown that children learn and are able to remember when they are actively involved; in essence they learn best through active participation.

Our Interactive learning deployment focuses on meeting the learning/educational needs of the millennial/ iGeneration learners who have natural flair for digital devices (tablets, computers etc). This involves eLearning deployment and access through use of digital devices in the classroom.

Our focus is to make learning interactive and easy to internalize, through integration of eLearning platforms/tools. We also monitor the transition process for students and teachers, in other to ensure positive adoption and outcome.

Our eLearning contents have been put together from accredited learning resources and in partnership with international and local educational organizations

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