College donates to visually impaired persons in Lagos

To support their rehabilitation and transformation, Adams College, Oshodi, Lagos, has offered scholarship worth N500, 000 to students of the Federal Nigeria Society for the Blind (FNSB).

Speaking at a party organised by the college, Proprietor of Adams College, Mr. Adams Adebola, said with the myriad of problems facing Nigerians, visually impaired persons are managing to survive. He noted that the donation would give hope to them.

He stated that students of the college visit the society’s vocational training centre yearly to spend time with visually impaired trainees on special occasions.

According to the proprietor, a first class graduate of the University of Nigeria (UNN), Nsukka, Lillian was once a student of FNSB who passed through Adams College. He, therefore, noted that any blind person could be rehabilitated and transformed through academic and vocational skills.

Commending teachers of the centre for their commitment towards academic development of the trainees, Adebola encouraged them to be resilient in the face of challenges, and to continually give their best to positively influence the students.

Executive Secretary FNSB, Mayowa Oke, appreciated the college for the support and show of love in the last 15 years.

Oke said the donation would go a long way to give hope to the students and assist in their academic and vocational education pursuits.

Vice Chairman, FNSB, Mrs Arit Tunde-lmoyo, thanked the proprietor for his compassion towards the trainees.

Speaking with The Guardian, some of the students said the interaction with the trainees was a wholesome way of channeling their love and energies positively.

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