Nigeria Info launches fifth edition of students’ debate competition

Nigeria Info has announced the launch of the fifth edition of its ‘I Beg To Differ’ student debate competition with the theme ‘The Tournament of Champions.’

The competition is to champion intellectually stimulating conversations to position youths as solution providers to the myriad of socio-economic challenges plaguing the nation’s overall development.

The competition, which is designed for secondary school students, will start on March 6. This is to give them the opportunity to showcase their intellectual capabilities to effectively communicate their stance on a wide range of topics that focus on diverse socio-economic and political issues that concern the country.

Commenting on the rationale behind the launch, Chief Executive Officer, Cool FM, Wazobia FM, and Nigeria Info, Serge Noujaim, said the essence of the competition is to develop vibrant generation of young intellectuals who are passionate about developing bespoke solutions to the numerous socio-economic challenges impeding the nation’s growth.
“We, as youth-centric brand, are constantly strategising on how we can continue to lead by creating viable platforms that are aimed at upscaling problem-solving capabilities, including communication skill of youths. This is because we are confident that the creative abilities of youths serve as a critical catalyst in driving positive socio-economic and political changes nationwide,” he said.

Group Brand Manager, Nigeria Info, Sandra Ezekwesili, said the station is passionate about advancing educational development of youths through creation of youth-led interactive platforms.

“We consider youths as a pivotal force that could drive a positive change across our country. This is why we have come to the full realisation of the need to support the teeming youthful population of the country by implementing youth-focused initiatives that would contribute to both their critical-thinking abilities and problem-solving skills,” she said.

The “I Beg To Differ” student debate tournament is a youth-led initiative of Nigeria Info that seeks to enhance mental capacity of Nigerian students by promoting healthy debate competitions.

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